In the news
IFA Magazine: The Future is Bright & Mayar Capital is Incredibly Optimistic!
Aziz pens his thoughts in IFA Magazine / Wealth DFM, sharing his current outlook on global equity markets.
Mayar Capital Shortlisted for Two HFM European Performance Awards
The Mayar Responsible Global Equity Fund nominated for Best ESG Fund and Best Global Equity Long-Term Performance (Five years)
Morningstar: 13 Questions for Mayar’s Aziz Alnaim
Aziz talks to Maria Gerner about his investment strategy, roles models, his view on cryptocurrencies and what he’d never invest in.
Mayar Capital expands research and investor relations team
Mayar hires Felix Kruse as a research analyst, and Isobel Digby and Sophie Hamilton to support Marc Cox, Head of Investor Relations.
Private Equity Wire: Mayar Capital expands research and investor relations teams
Private Equity Wire covers news of Mayar’s recent hires as it seeks to expand in the U.K. market.
The Daily Express: Find your investment strategy - three key concepts to keep in mind
Aziz shares his top three investment concepts to keep in mind for readers looking for help with planning their investment strategy.
IFA Magazine: 10 year retrospective: A conversation about the changing world of investment
Aziz is included in a collective article which draws on investment industry voices who share their views on the past 10 years the investment space.
Fundeye: The tale of the Mayar Fund, an alpha generating machine
Aziz in conversation with Fundeye editor, David Stephenson.
Mayar Makes Key Hire as Assets under Management pass $110m
Stefan Dawidowski is hired to lead Operations, Finance, HR, Legal and Compliance functions.