In the news
IFA Magazine: Mayar Capital appoints ex-Invesco veteran, Leigh Overall Gibbons, as Head of Sales & Client Relations
Mayar Capital announces that it has hired Leigh Overall Gibbons as its new Head of Sales & Client Relations.
IFA Magazine: The Future is Bright & Mayar Capital is Incredibly Optimistic!
Aziz pens his thoughts in IFA Magazine / Wealth DFM, sharing his current outlook on global equity markets.
IFA Magazine: 10 year retrospective: A conversation about the changing world of investment
Aziz is included in a collective article which draws on investment industry voices who share their views on the past 10 years the investment space.
Opalesque Exclusive: Ethical value investing fund plans on becoming more active
Aziz talks about the types of companies he searches, the “economic moat”, value strategies and his activism plans.